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Meet your guide 

Yelitza is a passionate advocate for the awakening of consciousness in self awareness, connecting to nature, healing to wholeness, and spiritual growth. With a deep commitment to bridging ancient indigenous wisdom with modern practices, she founded Awaken Soul Journeys as a sanctuary for seekers of inner transformation.


My Story

It is a joy and honor to share the experiences that have brought deep remembrance in the sacredness of life. I am an eternal student of life’s mysteries and passionate in connecting to our hearts wisdom while harmoniously rooted in nature moving through a modern world. My journey into the healing arts commenced with yoga, pranayama, and meditation in 2016. From the majestic Andes Mountains to the lush Amazon jungle, I've immersed myself in diverse traditions, undergoing shamanic teachings while delving into the wisdom of Master Plant Dietas and Ceremonies. The practices of shamanism form a harmonious and holistic approach to life, aiming to cleanse the spirit, retrieve fragmented aspects of the soul, and restore balance of being. I share my transformative experiences guiding others to reconnect with their innate wisdom and embark on their own spiritual journey, to explore their inner landscapes with safety, compassion, and unwavering support.

Seek what calls your heart 

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

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